We help a full spectrum of visionaries in the Portland area fund their social good projects, businesses, and organizations.

No idea is too small.

Have a dream or new idea you want to get off the ground? Tell us more.

Our Network

We’ve connected and cultivated partnerships with experts in all walks of business, hand-picked to back our various Brilliance entrepreneurs along on their journeys.




Why support new businesses and organizations?

We believe work has dignity and that thriving local businesses are an essential ingredient of healthy communities.

What kinds of businesses and organizations do you support?

Businesses with a double bottom line are what we look for. While these businesses and organizations want to maximize profits, they’re also set out to maximize benefits to their community and to society. This can be expressed through the mission and practices of the company or through its formal relationship with a connected non-profit that it funds. 

We want to support and fund entrepreneurs from all faith backgrounds who are serving in under-resourced communities.

What resources does Brilliance Labs provide for entrepreneurs?

We provide connections to potential equity investment, financing, training, and mentorship.

What size projects, businesses or organizations does Brilliance Labs fund?

Our strength is in helping entrepreneurs start small or midsize businesses or nonprofits.

How can I get connected to resources?

For-profit business entrepreneurs can fill out a pitch form to introduce yourself. Non-profit organization entrepreneurs can apply for a Micro-Grant.

Want to back a visionary?

Support can take a dream and make it reality. Your expertise, partnership, or donation can help meet the needs of communities in our city through projects and businesses right here in Portland.